Home and School Association

The Home and School association is Saint Raphael's parent teacher association. The goals of Home and School are to increase communication and involvement between parents and teachers, provide support for the school administration when needed, and act as a gateway for school families and parishioners to become directly involved with the school community. Throughout the school year, Home and School sponsors and organizes a variety of events, activities, and fundraisers to benefit the school.

Some of the most popular events at Saint Raphael are made possible through the hard work and dedication of the Home and School Association. Please see a full list of Home and School events below. If you are interested in joining the Home and School Association, please see the FAQ below.

Slideshow of Home and School Sponsored Events

  • Who are the Board Members of Home and School?

    2024-2025 Executive Board Members

  • What events does Home and School organize?

    • Angel’s Workshop: Responsibilities include coordinating projects, materials and volunteers for K-5th grade Christmas gift to parents; oversee project budget. Prepare necessary parts of projects ahead of time. Event usually takes place beginning of December.
    • Drama Club: Responsible for conducting rehearsals on Sunday evenings for a show produced in thespring. Coordinate parent volunteers assisting with production of the show.
    • Father/Daughter Dance: Responsible for selecting and scheduling a DJ and photographer; coordinating food and decorations and submitting all necessary forms to the H&S treasurer. This event is usually held the Saturday after Catholic Schools Week at the school.
    • Hospitality: Responsible for organizing meals for teachers during parent teacher conferences. Responsible for coordinating volunteers and food donations, if applicable. These activities take place in November and February.
    • Mardi Gras: The Mardi Gras Family Fest Chair is responsible for coordinating fundraising, organizing volunteers, overseeing committees, setting up events, managing the budget, and submitting paperwork to the Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable H&S treasurers. You must work closely with room parents to coordinate communication with SRS parents. This event occurs in February or March. The position requires extensive planning and time beginning months prior to the event. Planning meetings typically start in October. Due to COVID-19, the full scale and details of the this event have not been decided and will be up to the Home & School Board to decide and communicate further with the Chair.
    • Mardi Gras Jr High: Mardi Gras Jr. High Chair(s) is in charge of all facets of Jr High Night, including overseeing volunteers, securing entertainment and staffing the event. This event is for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades only. This position works closely with the Mardi Grad Family Fest Chair to coordinate prizes, concessions, and games and ensure alignment with the Mardi Gras Family Fest. Due to COVID-19, the full scale and details of the this event have not been decided and will be up to the Home & School Board to decide and communicate further with the Chair.
    • Mother/Son Event: Responsible for selecting and organizing an activity for the boys of SRS and their mothers. This event usually occurs in the spring.
    • Rock the Challenge: Oversee committees leading various aspects of RTC. Determine service projects, sponsorship details, secure t-shirts, release forms and manage scheduling.
    • Room Parents: Provide support to teachers and parents by coordinating volunteers and communicating important Home & School events. The Room Parent coordinates communication and grade-wide activities. When teachers need your help they will contact you directly. Shortly after school starts, the room parent will schedule a meeting with the teachers to plan out the school year’s activities. This is a great time to get to know the teachers and to share ideas with them. Room parents may be asked to help with fundraisers and other events as needed. One room parent is assigned to each classroom based on parent interest and position availability. Please note that room parents will need to coordinate at least four volunteers per room for Mardi Gras.
    • Uniform Offering: Responsible for collecting gently used uniforms, ensuring all items are clean and presentable, conducting exchanges through the school year and coordinating volunteers to staff uniform offering events. This position is ongoing throughout the school year.
    • 8th Grade Washington DC Trip: This chair is responsible for assembling a committee to assist with the 8th grade trip to DC. Responsibilities include arranging a date for the trip, with the administration’s approval, communicating with the tour company, planning the itinerary, scheduling parent information meetings, recruiting chaperones, handling all necessary forms (waivers, medical forms, etc.), overseeing bus, roommate and chaperone assignments.
    • 8th Grade Graduation: This position is responsible for assembling a committee to assist with all the activities associated with graduation, including a memory book, luncheon, trip to Cedar Point, etc. The chair and committee can replace or plan different activities if they wish.
  • What are the responsibilities of the Board Members?

    Public Relations Representative:

    • Provides communication support to the board and the schoolin promoting upcoming events, communicating with school families and maintaining news and information related to Home & School on the school website


    • Responsible for recording and distributing minutes of the meetings of the board, and scheudling and sending Remind texts to promote family and parish participation in and support of H&S sponsored events

    Accounts Payable Treasurer

    • Maintains the Home & School budget, providing a full and accurate account of receipts and disbursements for the association; the AP treasurer works closely with the Parish Finance department, and manages all vendor payments and reimbursements for volunteers, teachers and other members of the St. Raphael community

    Accounts Receivable Treasurer

    • Tracks and manages all receipts to the association, including making bank deposits, and managing and reconciling online payments and cash boxes for a number of H&S activities and events

    Head Homeroom Parent

    • Serves as a liason between St. Raphael teachers, parents, and the board; the head room parent assists in scheduling classroom and field trip volunteers, and support for special projects as needed

    All volunteers support various aspects of Home & School fundraising and volunteer at association-hosted events as needed. Volunteers are asked to serve two-year terms to ensure continuity and maximize volunteer impact year over year. 

  • Can I join the Home and School Association?

    Please contact H&S President Jessica Pecora for more information about joining the H&S association.

  • Where can I find the H&S Directory?

    The link to visit the 2023-2024 H&S Directory is available here

    Please note: Directory Spot is a third party company, not associated with Saint Raphael. Home and School develops the Directory as a resource for families each year.  You will be required to login before accessing Directory Spot.

    If you need an adjustment to your family on Directory Spot, please contact H&S Directory Spot Email and a board member can assist you.

  • Home and School Expense Forms

  • Home and School Special Events

    EVENT: NOLA Night to Remember Fundraising Gala

    TICKET LINK: Click Here


Thank you to Home and School for another amazing school year! 


Please view the following important documents below:

  • Home and School Welcome Packet 2023-2024
  • Home and School End of Year Report 2022-2023

(Click images below to open full PDFs)


Home and School Forms/Updates for the 2023-2024 School Year

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