Please use the links below to contact the school regarding student attendance or appointments.
Contact Saint Raphael Attendance
When a student will be tardy or absent, parents are requested to send an email to the school secretary at before 9:00 A.M. rather than calling in. Homework requests for absences of two or more days may also be requested at the same time. A confirmation email will be sent, usually before 10:30 A.M. Please send an email the night before.
Of course, if it is not possible or convenient to send an email, you may still call at 440-871-6760. Parents are also required to provide the school with a written note for all tardies and upon the student’s return to school for all student absences.
Students are expected to be in their seats, ready for instruction, no later than 9:00 A.M. Students dropped off after 8:55 A.M. are deemed to be tardy. Students arriving late should report directly to the Attendance Office before going to their classrooms.
Students arriving late because of medical/dental appointments must provide a note from their health care provider or parent.
Parents, Grandparents, or Guardians should meet students at the Welcome Center office in Good Shepherd Square. Students will be called down from their classroom for their appointment and will walk down to Good Shepherd Square with their belongings.
If you wish to request homework when your child is ill for two or more days please contact the Attendance line (440-871-6760) no later than 9:00 A.M. The work must be picked up in the Welcome Center office between 3:30 and 4:00 P.M.
A projected school calendar is provided in order that family vacations, appointments, etc., can be coordinated with school vacations. Please be reminded that it is difficult to make up classroom instruction and participation.
Work will be assigned and tests are to be made up when the student returns. Parents assume responsibility for the work that is assigned.
Please view or download the Extended Absence request form HERE